

28. 09. 2022: Picture gallery

29. 09. 2022 vormittags: Picture gallery

29.09. 2022 Galaabend: Picture gallery





Not all lectures have an approved presentation and are therefore not listed here.

(E) - Slides in English
(G) - Slides in German




> Ing. Jiří Horecký, Ph.D., MBA   European Ageing Network EAN - Overview of the most important tasks, goals and activities (E)

> Katie Smith Sloan     Introducing the Global Ageing Network (E)

> Prof. Brendan McCormack     Leading and developing person-centred cultures: Unlearning rules, norms and behaviours (E)

> Anja Förster     Instigation to think differently (G)

More links recommended by Anja:

> Prof. Dr. Theo Boer     How far does our responsibility for a good (end of) life go? (G)



NetLab Care


> Dr. Martin Sprenger MPH     Care prevention from a public health perspective (G)

> Prof. Dr. Gerd Hartinger MHP     Integrated care for older people (G)

> Felix Gottwald     Shaping health instead of managing illness (G)

> Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thomas E. Dorner, MPH      Frailty – implications for (long-term) care (G)

> Angelika Feichtner, MSc     Will you help me die? Effects of the Dying Decree Act on care in homes for the elderly and nursing homes (G)

> Dr. Freek Lapre RN(np) MCM CMC     How to lift the current taboos and fighting prejudices in long term care? (E)

> Eva Katharina Masel, MSc   Cannabinoids for symptom relief - chances and limits (G)



NetLab Leadership & Management


> Dan Levitt, MSc CHE     Front Line Leadership: Nurse management education on leading care teams. (E)

> Mag.a Andrea Udl, MA & > Mag.a Adelheid Bruckmüller     The new EAN-Certificate – Development in professional Leadership-Competence (G)

> Dr. Markus Leser     Change in competence: without nursing homes into the future? (G)

> Mag.a Margit Schäfer    Change is good, but not enough. Why a resilient future needs more than change. (G)

> Mag. Wilhelm Robert Lampl     Relationship management in leadership: binding instead of finding (G)

>  Dr. Josef Missethon, MSc MEd Mag.     Recruiting nursing professionals outside Europe - opportunities and challenges in practice (G)



NetLab Digitalization


> Heidrun Faninger-Lund    Finland's health and social care sector in transformation - opportunities for digitalization (G)

> Eveline Prochaska, BSc MSc & > DI Martin Morandell     Digital Skills & Competences for care 4.0 (G)

> DI in Maria Fellner MBA     BRAINMEE - Practice makes life (G)

> Stefanie Wöhl     Mobile care in the digital transformation (G)

> Karin Urthaler      Digital & Motivated - 3 Simple Strategies to Increase Employee Satisfaction and Workflow Quality (G)

> Natalia Chojecka     The future of care: SteadyTemp® case study (G)

> Martin Lichtenberger & > Andreas Diensthuber      Digitally supported and forward-looking resource management (in times of skills shortages) (G)



NetLab Sustainable Systems


> Felix Gottwald     Shaping health instead of managing illness (G)

> Robert Kreindl & > Markus Wendlinger     The role of modern companies and SDGs in today's world: What contribution do the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals make in this context? (G)

> Mag. Martin Bodenstorfer, MBA     How sustainable thinking could solve problems (G)

> David Stevens     Aged Care at the Heart of the Health Ecosytem (E)

> Mélanie Leblay      Maison Gourmande et Responsable : a collaborative project for a sustainable catering in elderly care in France (E)

> Dr. Rainer Planinc     Sustainability and artificial intelligence - (not) a contradiction? (G)

> Dan Levitt, MSc CHE     TTechnology Solutions: Answering the Call for Sustainability in the Face of Staff Shortages while enhancing quality of care and life (E)

> Prof. Dr. Gerd Hartinger MPH & > Arch. DI Dietger Wissounig     Sustainable Architecture Projects - GGZ (G)

> Aad Koster     Vision: Long Term Care 2030 (E)